Valiturus is on a mission to help as many runners as possible achieve times they never thought we’re capable.

But not only that, we want running to integrate neatly into your life, to ensure you’re a healthy lifelong runner.



Shocking right? We don’t try to jam you into a training methodology and hope it works.

We discover what your limitations are specific to your event (aerobic capacity, anaerobic threshold, vo2 max, maximal speed, running economy etc.) and strive to improve them in the manner that you respond best to.

Maybe you respond better to continuous running, maybe it’s more interval work. We’ll figure it out to develop you as a runner as efficiently as possible.

It’s not just a running plan (you get strength coaching)

Diving into the details to discover whether physical capacities and/or movement strategies need work to reduce your injury risk and improve running efficiency & effectiveness.

And it isn’t just generic back squats, deadlifts, clamshells, planks.

We figure out what your limiting factor is from a movement efficiency perspective

And an injury risk reduction perspective.

This could include knuckling down on improving physical capacities such as peak force, rate of force development or stretch-shortening cycle.

Or improving your movement strategy through drills, sprints and plyometrics

So who’s the coach?

Dylan Moxon


  • Bachelor of Sport & Recreation (Major in Sport & Exercise Science)

  • Postgraduate Certificate of Exercise Science (Strength & Conditioning)

Who am I?

I grew up in Pukekohe, New Zealand competing in football, cricket, athletics and anything I could really get involved in. However, running became my main love in my later adolescent years and occupied much of my time. I competed in the middle-distance events until unfortunately injuries became too much and I made the transition to coaching.

So, why do I coach?

Firstly, I honestly just love running, the tangible black & white nature of it, you get out what you put in. Navigating runners to improve and realize their potential is deeply satisfying.

I also witness runners fall mercy to being thrust into a one-size-fits-all all-training system and gambling that it works for them.

Because of this it has crafted my mission and journey to continually improve at solving the puzzle of individualization and assist runners in improving through the means best suited for them, ensuring they reach their potential and remain healthy in the process. Serving the athlete as a coach as best possible. Not leaving any stone unturned.